Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Combo Therapy Essay - 550 Words
Combo Therapy (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:Course:Date:Combo TherapyChronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an ailment that makes it hard for an individual to inhale and exhale. Some doctors describe it as a collection of lung ailments, such as asthma. The reason why they refer to it as progressive is because it gets worse over time. The article states that COPD is the third leading cause of death in the globe. Over time, the patient struggles to find his or her breath. In order to understand the disease, one has to be familiar with how lungs work. When one breathes in, the air goes into the bronchi. Bronchi branches to bronchioles, smaller tubes within the lungs. It then ends up in the alveoli, small pockets in the lungs. The alveoli have walls that allow oxygen to pass through and enter the blood stream via a gaseous exchange process. Carbon dioxide from the body also moves from the capillaries into the sacs. For gaseous exchange to take place perfectly, the air spaces must have some elasticity . When one has COPD, less air moves in and out than before. One reason is that the air sacs and airways become inelastic. The second reason is that walls of the air sacs stop functioning normally. Symptoms of COPD include coughs with sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Causes of COPD include smoking, exposure to chemical fumes at work, and air pollution. Dennis Thompsons, article Combo Therapy Best for COPD: Study speaks about treatment of the disease. It summarizes a study that scientists conducted to analyze the effects of combined drug therapy on the management of the disease (Thompson 1). They examined patients who undergone combination drugs therapy and those that went through regular treatment. Routine treatment for COPD involves prescription of long-acting beta agonist. The beta agonist relaxes the airway muscles, which widens and enables the patient to breathe easily. If the beta agonist fails to produce results, the doctor prescribes inhaled corticos teroid. The corticosteroid reduces elimination in the airways. The report illustrated that those who went through a combination of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonists, reduced the possibility of lying in a hospital bed due to breathing difficulties (Thompson, 1). In contrast, patients who went through one of the two treatment methods had a high chance of lying in a hospital bed for the aforementioned reasons. According to the article, the findings contradict the COPD guidelines, whereby patients should first go through the treatment of long-acting agonists. If that fails to work, the procedures state that the doctor should prescribe inhaled corticosteroid.The study confirmed that more... Combo Therapy Essay - 550 Words Combo Therapy (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Tutor:Course:Date:Combo TherapyChronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an ailment that makes it hard for an individual to inhale and exhale. Some doctors describe it as a collection of lung ailments, such as asthma. The reason why they refer to it as progressive is because it gets worse over time. The article states that COPD is the third leading cause of death in the globe. Over time, the patient struggles to find his or her breath. In order to understand the disease, one has to be familiar with how lungs work. When one breathes in, the air goes into the bronchi. Bronchi branches to bronchioles, smaller tubes within the lungs. It then ends up in the alveoli, small pockets in the lungs. The alveoli have walls that allow oxygen to pass through and enter the blood stream via a gaseous exchange process. Carbon dioxide from the body also moves from the capillaries into the sacs. For gaseous exchange to take place perfectly, the air spaces must have some elasticity . When one has COPD, less air moves in and out than before. One reason is that the air sacs and airways become inelastic. The second reason is that walls of the air sacs stop functioning normally. Symptoms of COPD include coughs with sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Causes of COPD include smoking, exposure to chemical fumes at work, and air pollution. Dennis Thompsons, article Combo Therapy Best for COPD: Study speaks about treatment of the disease. It summarizes a study that scientists conducted to analyze the effects of combined drug therapy on the management of the disease (Thompson 1). They examined patients who undergone combination drugs therapy and those that went through regular treatment. Routine treatment for COPD involves prescription of long-acting beta agonist. The beta agonist relaxes the airway muscles, which widens and enables the patient to breathe easily. If the beta agonist fails to produce results, the doctor prescribes inhaled corticos teroid. The corticosteroid reduces elimination in the airways. The report illustrated that those who went through a combination of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta agonists, reduced the possibility of lying in a hospital bed due to breathing difficulties (Thompson, 1). In contrast, patients who went through one of the two treatment methods had a high chance of lying in a hospital bed for the aforementioned reasons. According to the article, the findings contradict the COPD guidelines, whereby patients should first go through the treatment of long-acting agonists. If that fails to work, the procedures state that the doctor should prescribe inhaled corticosteroid.The study confirmed that more...
Friday, June 5, 2020
Activism as portrayed in Martin Luther Jr and Ellie Wiesel - 1100 Words
Activism as portrayed in Martin Luther Jr and Ellie Wiesel (Essay Sample) Content: The Righteous LifeActivism as portrayed in Martin Luther Jr and Ellie WieselRighteous can be defined as sticking to what you believe in, even if many people go against what you believe in. Righteous can also defined as arising from an outraged sense of justice or morality. There are a number of individuals in life who have fought to stand on the righteous and through they have positively changed peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s life positively. Civil right activist, politicians, preachers, actors and even writer portray their thoughts in their perspective and tends to affect peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s lives positively. Notable civil activist Martin Luther Jr, Ellie Wiesel, Alva Myrdal and many more are notable people whose righteous has impacted individual in the world.Martin Luther Jr a renowned activist, humanitarian and leader in the African-American civil rights movement. He is a hero for fighting for the right of the people in his life from a tender age. He stood for his right even wh en other people judged him hence righteous. His struggle to see that people enjoyed their civil right lead to his recognition to win a noble peace price on October 14, 1964 for combating racial inequality through nonviolence means.Martin Luther Jr fought for the right of people in different crucial topics which include worship, nonviolence, politics, family life and compensation. In his fought for freedom to worship, Martin Luther Jr stood for believing in God and his main example was Jesus Christ and the Christian gospel. He based his faith on the overall teachings of Jesus Christ where he used his righteous believe to fight for peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s nonviolently. He stood for the teachings of Jesus Christà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s on love, and he said that he only wanted to do Godà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Will.During the Vietnam war, Martin Luther Jr long opposed American involvement in the war. He criticized President Johnsonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s policies, and he stood by his believe. Luther's speech "A Time to Break Silence" he spoke against the role of the American government in the war where he named the US as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today. It is a strong stand of high, hence counted he stood by what he believed, and that is being righteous. He also connected the war with the injustice where he argued that the country needed serious moral change. Martin Luther Jr is renowned for fighting for the poor peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s rights up to his assassination while trying to help the oppressed people in the USA.How Martin Luther Jr life has affected us today.Martin Luther Jrà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s freedom righteousness has impacts the lives today where there is equality in the services without discrimination on race. Martinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s religion beliefs impact the Christianà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s life today where the right to worship given to the citizen. Individually the enjoyment of all the freedoms Martin Luther Jr fought for is a pleasure. Christian life greatly impacted from fighting for Protestan tism.Elie Wiesel is another person who lived the righteous life. Born in the year 1928 in the Kingdom of Romania, Elie Wiesel is known political activist and professor who stood for what he believed. In is novel and political criticism, he stands on what he believed was right according to him. Elie Wiesel won Nobel Peace Prize in 1986 for speaking out against violence, racism, and repression. Another known righteous life act is when he pleaded for the intervention during the persecutions in Yugoslavia. As a political activist Elie Wiesel advocated for causes including Israel, the plight of Soviet and Ethiopian Jews. He was in the forefront to fight for the right of the victims of apartheid in South Africa, genocide victims in Bosnia. He portrays being righteous when he withdrew from the role as the chair of the international conference on the holocaust genocide and made efforts to abort the conference where he was defending Israel main interest to the Armenian genocide. Supporting I srael action on Gaza was very controversial, but he stood firm on it. He has openly criticized Obama administration on what he believes.There is the positive impact of Elie Wiesel advocacies, his stand against the genocide in Armenia; Darfur gives us a challenge to do humanitarian services. He was against apartheid in South Africa where now all the race given equal opportunities. He is an example of righteous life, his fight for indifference, intolerance and injustice have led to better lives in countries affected.The Righteous LifeThe righteous women named Alva MyrdalAlva Myrdal is one of the exemplary people who have had a righteous life. As a sociologist, stateswoman and peace champion reformer she has come out to stand for the controversial topic to defend her conscious. Born in the Sweden on 31 January 1902 she has presented a life as a sociologist and politician whose decision has made a big impact on lives of people today.As a long-time knew a member of the Swedish Social Dem ocratic party, child care advocacies, womenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s issues and population problems she is an icon of righteousness.In her all life Alva has been championing for the underdogs, fought for equality of children with adults in all walks, of women with men, of the poor with the rich, of the poor countries with the rich countries and lesser powers with the superpowers. She represents a woman who devo...
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