Wednesday, October 30, 2019
BIOLOGY Paper - Amphibian Development - Human Development Essay
BIOLOGY Paper - Amphibian Development - Human Development - Essay Example s belong to Tetrapods or four-legged vertebrates and are considered as ectothermic vertebrates.3 Physically, frogs’ skin is smooth, has three-chambered heart, and does not have claws on their toes. Frogs usually lay their eggs in water until it hatches to into tadpole or larva. Tadpoles has to be on the water since they breathes with their gills. Chicks are classified as endothermic vertebrates. 3 Their physiological appearance includes skin covered with feathers, has four-chambered heart, lightweight bones that are hollow, and with wings. Similar to frogs, chicks also lay eggs. In comparison between the eggs produced by chicks and frogs, the egg that comes from chicks has more yolk than the frogs. Since human fertilized egg or the zygote does not contain any yolk, we will take into consideration the frog’s reproduction and development as the best choice in comparison with the human reproduction and development process. There is a huge difference between a frog egg (mesolecithal egg) and human ova (egg cells). Mesolecithal egg has a moderate amount of yolk being distributed throughout the cytoplasm of the egg with more concentration towards the ‘vegetal pole.’ On the other hand, the human ova do not show traces of yolk. Also, the external portion of the frog egg has a smooth surface while the human ova has an uneven surface. Frog egg is divided into a dark pigmented hemisphere called the animal hemisphere while the lightly pigmented hemisphere is known as the vegetal hemisphere. The gray crescent is the dorsal surface of the embryo that plays a role in establishing the embryonic axis. See figure 1. Human ova, measures around 0.2 mm. in diameter, are enclosed within the egg follicles of the ovaries.5 The cell substance of the ovum i is called oà ¶plasm.10 (in amphibians, oà ¶plasm is equivalent to the yolk) The nucleus is known as the germinal vesicle while the nucleolus is the germinal spot. The ovum is enclosed by a thick transparent envelope called the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Education - Want Essay Example for Free
Education Want Essay We could say that an educated person is like a piece of artwork, it is open to the interpretation of the viewer. Just like every art work critique has their own opinion about an artwork, everyone has their own different interpretations of what an educated person is. One thing is clear though, in order to be a successful person in life, you do not need money, as well as in order to be an educated person, you do not need a college diploma. What you are willing to give up in order to become your best person depends on how much you truly want to accomplish that goal. Not everyone knows right away what they have a passion for. One has to explore new activities and only then will they be able to decide for themselves. Everyone expresses their opinion, and in my thought an educated person is the willing to put in time like Gladwell explains, claims their learning rights like Rich exercises, applies critical thinking and reasoning to work towards a success like Wagner emphasizes and lastly does not fall victim to adversity like my father focuses attention on. An educated person should always be willing to put in time. This means that they are willing to give up what they want now, for what they want most. For example, in Gladwell, Schoenfeld the math professor experimented with a young girl Renee, which took her approximately twenty-two minutes to figure the slope of a vertical line. â€Å"This is eight-grade mathematics If I put the average eighth grader in the same position as Renee, I’m guessing that after the first few attempts, they would have said, ‘I don’t get it. I need you to explain it. ’ (Gladwell 2008, pp. 245). †What Schoenfeld proved with this experiment was the willingness of Renee to continue the math problem. Of course, compared to the eighth grader, Renee had more self-discipline and wanted to continue on going until she was able to solve it. An educated person should be willing to put in time and work towards their goal. It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. Another idea Gladwell explains is the amount of time one is willing to put in and how that makes one an expert. â€Å"Researchers have settled on what they believe is the magic number for true expertise: 10,000 hours†(Gladwell 2008, pp. 40). Gladwell’s idea of hard work and dedication to whatever it is that you want to become an expert at takes at least 10,000 hours. I agree with him, but only to a certain point. It is true that in order to become someone well knowledgeable on a certain activity or topic one must practice and put in time. I do not necessarily agree that 10,000 hours should be the exact number for â€Å"true expertise†as Gladwell calls it, but it definitely should not be a few hours. For example, ideally doctors should be one of the most specialized fields. They are ones performing their knowledge on people and I honestly would not want a doctor that has gotten a few hours of practice to do anything to me, because there is more of a chance that they are not as experienced as someone else that has been working for decades as a doctor. An educated person should be willing to put in time to practice which is what makes someone good at their specialization. Rich’s idea of â€Å"claiming an education†also applies within our pursuit to defining an educated person. Rich explains that a student should not think about education as â€Å"receiving it†, but to be thought of as â€Å"claiming it†(Rich 1979 pp. 365). Rich explains that claiming an education is taking as if one were the owner. I agree with Rich, students should have the mentality of taking the education being given to them. There is a difference between claiming what is rightfully yours, and taking what if rightfully yours. One difference is that when you claim something, you are putting in effort to learning what is being taught. For example, a student that goes to class and learns whatever the lesson was for that day, would in my terms be called receiving. On the other hand, if that same student were to go to the instructor’s office hours and basically use the resources that there are around campus, that would be claiming. The mere difference of going one step above the other makes the difference between the two. Rich also backs this idea of claiming, with the simple act of participating in class, becoming more engaged in class and the teacher’s professional life. This idea of claiming an education is not limited to those in school, because not every educated person goes to college, or needs a college degree. It is helpful in order to have something to fall back upon. One way we can connect the idea of claiming an education without going to school, could be my father’s story. His decision of dropping out of high school did not stop him from doing what he wanted to do. He claimed his rights to learning about how to create his own company and becoming a successful entrepreneur, without having a business college degree. Claiming your rights as a human being over all is what counts. Anyone should be able to express their passion for something. In my father’s case, he first started by working at a small local shop as a cashier, but he found himself not doing what he loved, â€Å"I loved helping people, make their houses bigger or just fixing their house up for them. †(Gomez 2014). My father eventually stopped receiving, and started claiming. An educated person is one who does not receive, but one that claims and demands their ability to practice their passion. Give a child a list of three words with a definition to each, allow them to memorize it and few minutes later, they can regurgitate it back to you. As an education major, it is easy to go a whole year teaching children a certain vocabulary words, or teaching them how to solve a math problem, but explaining why the answer is the answer, is a lot more difficult. Wagner explains that many students lack â€Å"intellectual challenges†(Wagner 2008, pp. xxv). A class lacking intellectual challenge for students can cause a downfall in the future. Providing students with more rigorous work and questioning their solutions, prevents them from finding lessons uninteresting and eventually leading them to want to drop the course, or worse yet, want to drop out of school. For example in history class, one has to remember specific dates, but also know why several of these specific events happened or what lead to it. I was one of them. Rarely do students remember what lead to wars, or life historically changing events, like the great depression because they are just taught either to memorize the dates or they find it easier to only remember the dates and names of important historical figures. The same concept can be applied to mathematics, where one has to know how to solve the problem, but does not always know why a certain formula was used or why it only works with that certain problem. According to Wagner, knowing the answer is not sufficient, one must know and be able to critically think about the end result. Therefore, an educated person should be willing to not only claim their education, but also be able to apply more critical thinking and reasoning. Which by later exercising that through practicing and preparing, one can accomplish their goals. Lastly, I interviewed my father, because he is the first man I have ever admired. He was able to successfully carry out a career that he did not go to college for. Matter of fact, he never went to college, and only completed a few years of high school. Through my interview with him, he allowed me to truly appreciate and admire him a lot more. One main adversity he got through was coming in to the United States, he believes that without coming to the United States his success would not have been possible. â€Å"Coming from a huge family, having 8 brothers and 7 sisters you did not always get what you wanted†(Gomez 2014). My father further explained that he was always having to share his things and he never had the opportunities that I have today. â€Å"I had to run a whole mile in order to get to class, there were no buses, because we lived in the country, and I had to run to the city every morning to get to school†(Gomez 2014). My father continues with his story, â€Å"every morning we all had to do chores, mine were taking care of the farm animals. I would milk the cows every morning and since I had to do my morning chores before school, sometimes I ran late and I had to go to school smelling like farm animals and sweat†(Gomez 2014). The dedication put into working back then is not the same today. For everything there is always an excuse made up. I myself have made many excuses, but it takes an educated person to not make excuses. He could have easily said I am not walking a mile to go to school, but he was determined. My father did not drop out of school because he was failing his classes. At age 18 he became an innocent victim in a shooting, in which he was shot in the stomach and had missed a big portion of his senior year. He was months away from graduating, but he never was able to complete his missed classes due to the lack of support from his teachers, he explained. He after started his own family and came to the United States when I was born. â€Å"You are the luckiest one of everyone in the family†he told me, â€Å"your sisters do not have the opportunity that you have and an educated person is one who can make the best situation out of a tough one†(Gomez 2014). Without doubt, my father was able to create a self-made company. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful. An educated person would ideally be my own father, who was willing to put in time to learn about his passion, claim his rights as a United States resident and created his own business, and lastly he did fall victim to adversity. An educated person and a successful person go hand in hand, but the definitions are endless, and open to many interpretations, but what makes either person educated or successful, depends on what they are willing to give up in order to become their best person. An educated person is one who no matter what is willing to put in time in order to be called an expert at his passion. Someone who rightfully claims the ability to carry out their love for their passion and lastly, someone who does not fall victim to adversity. ? Bibliography Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"The 10,000-Hour Rule†in Outliers, 34-68. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gladwell, Malcolm. â€Å"Rice Paddies and Math Tests†in Outliers, 224-249. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. Gustavo Gomez, interview by Alondra Gomez, April 28, 2014. Rich, Adrienne. â€Å"Claiming and Education†in On Lies, Secrets and Silence, 365-369. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 1979. Wagner, Tony. The Global Achievement Gap, intro xix-xxviii. New York: Basic Books, 2008.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Vikings Essay -- Scandinavian Pirates History Vikings Essays
The Vikings The word Viking in the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says that the word Viking means the following. â€Å"Vi†¢king 1. any of the Scandinavian pirates who plunder the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries. 2. a sea-roving bandit: pirate. 3. a Scandinavian. 4. U.S. Aerospace. One of a series of space probes that obtained scientific information about Mars.†(1) The Vikings lived about one thousand years ago in the lands that we now call Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. To most people the Vikings were raiders that got in their longboats and sailed somewhere and then went from town to town killing and pillaging. This is not completely true, because the Vikings were also great adventurers. They set up trading links and looked for land that they could settle down make a home and have a farm. But not to say that the Vikings weren’t fierce warriors, because they were great warriors that won almost every early battle. Although they never had an empire, the King of Denmark ruled Norway and England for a brief time from 1030 to 1035.      The Vikings had many reasons for leaving their homeland and living up to being the great adventurers that they were. One reason to leave was that the land that the Vikings were living in was becoming over populated, such that one family couldn’t own as much land, as he would like. Also the land in Scandinavia, that they lived on was very mountainous and had very little land that could be farmed. Likewise Sweden contained many forests that made it not fit for farming.      The Viking people were divided up into different classes much like many other societies. They were divided up by how much land and money that they had. There were the â€Å"kings†that ruled over each township. Below him came the rich noblemen, or jarls. The king and the jarls were the most powerful people in a township. Then below the jarls there were the freemen or the karls, which included craftsmen, merchants, and farmers. At the very bottom of the totem pole were the slaves otherwise known as thralls.      The majority of Vikings spent very little time away from home on raids. Instead they were at home working as farmers, growing oats, barley, rye, and vegetables, and tending to their cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats. They also kept fruits, such as apples, and nuts such as hazelnuts and walnut... ... Inc,  ©1996, page 2122 2. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 3. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 4. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 50 5. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 6. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 7. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 8. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 Bibliography 1. Done by Committee. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. New York, NY; Random House Value Publishing, Inc,  ©1996. 2. Martell, Hazel Mary. What Do We Know About The Vikings? New York, NY; Simon & Schuster Young Books,  ©1992. 3. Ganeri, Anita. Focus On Vikings. New York, NY; Aladdin Books,  ©1992 4. Streissguth, Thomas. Life Among the Vikings. San Diego, California; Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999 5. 6. For the video’s on CD. The Vikings Essay -- Scandinavian Pirates History Vikings Essays The Vikings The word Viking in the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says that the word Viking means the following. â€Å"Vi†¢king 1. any of the Scandinavian pirates who plunder the coasts of Europe from the 8th to 10th centuries. 2. a sea-roving bandit: pirate. 3. a Scandinavian. 4. U.S. Aerospace. One of a series of space probes that obtained scientific information about Mars.†(1) The Vikings lived about one thousand years ago in the lands that we now call Iceland, Lapland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. To most people the Vikings were raiders that got in their longboats and sailed somewhere and then went from town to town killing and pillaging. This is not completely true, because the Vikings were also great adventurers. They set up trading links and looked for land that they could settle down make a home and have a farm. But not to say that the Vikings weren’t fierce warriors, because they were great warriors that won almost every early battle. Although they never had an empire, the King of Denmark ruled Norway and England for a brief time from 1030 to 1035.      The Vikings had many reasons for leaving their homeland and living up to being the great adventurers that they were. One reason to leave was that the land that the Vikings were living in was becoming over populated, such that one family couldn’t own as much land, as he would like. Also the land in Scandinavia, that they lived on was very mountainous and had very little land that could be farmed. Likewise Sweden contained many forests that made it not fit for farming.      The Viking people were divided up into different classes much like many other societies. They were divided up by how much land and money that they had. There were the â€Å"kings†that ruled over each township. Below him came the rich noblemen, or jarls. The king and the jarls were the most powerful people in a township. Then below the jarls there were the freemen or the karls, which included craftsmen, merchants, and farmers. At the very bottom of the totem pole were the slaves otherwise known as thralls.      The majority of Vikings spent very little time away from home on raids. Instead they were at home working as farmers, growing oats, barley, rye, and vegetables, and tending to their cattle, sheep, pigs, and goats. They also kept fruits, such as apples, and nuts such as hazelnuts and walnut... ... Inc,  ©1996, page 2122 2. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 3. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 49 4. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 50 5. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 6. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 54 7. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 8. Streissguth, Thomas, â€Å"Life Among the Vikings†, Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999, page 27 Bibliography 1. Done by Committee. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. New York, NY; Random House Value Publishing, Inc,  ©1996. 2. Martell, Hazel Mary. What Do We Know About The Vikings? New York, NY; Simon & Schuster Young Books,  ©1992. 3. Ganeri, Anita. Focus On Vikings. New York, NY; Aladdin Books,  ©1992 4. Streissguth, Thomas. Life Among the Vikings. San Diego, California; Lucent Books, Inc,  ©1999 5. 6. For the video’s on CD.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Be Careful :: essays research papers
Liz looked at Sarah, regretting she had come along with them in the first place. â€Å"Relax, Liz.†she said. â€Å"I really shouldn’t be here, Sarah. Can’t I go home?†Liz said. John smiled. â€Å"He’s not gonna bite. He’s really nice. You know he is, he’s been at your place a billion times.†He said. Liz nodded, but looked pleadingly at Sarah. â€Å"We’ll be right back. Hold him here when he arrives.†Sarah said and John nodded. â€Å"Can do!†he said, and she smiled at him as she grabbed Liz’ arm and dragged her along into the toilets. â€Å"You are not going home.†Sarah said, turning to look at her. â€Å"But... I don’t belong here. Me and love... we’re incomparable.†Liz said. Sarah smiled at her. â€Å"You are not!†she said. Liz sighed and turned to the mirror to make sure the bruise wasn’t showing. She bit her lip, and Sarah placed her hand on her sh oulder. â€Å"Lizzy...†she said softly, and Liz turned to her with teary eyes. â€Å"Sorry.†She said quietly and smiled a little. Sarah smiled back as she hugged her. â€Å"Don’t be.†She said. â€Å"It wasn’t your fault. Besides, he was an idiot and you were far too good for him anyway.†Liz laughed a little and looked at her. â€Å"Yeah?†she said. â€Å"Yeah.†Sarah said smiling. â€Å"Now, will you stay? John is right, you know. Mark is really nice, and John should know. You know he is too. They’ve been best mates for ages. They moved here together like you and me.†Sarah said. â€Å"Really?†Liz asked. Sarah nodded. â€Å"Yeah. And you wanna know a little secret?†she asked. â€Å"Go on.†Liz said smiling. â€Å"He told John that he thinks you’re really nice.†Sarah said and grinned when Liz blushed. â€Å"He did not!†Liz said. â€Å"Did too! Will you stay?†she asked. Liz shrugged. â€Å"It’s just a movie, then we can go home ... with company.†Sarah said. â€Å"And it’s not like you’ll be alone. John and I are here.†Liz nodded. â€Å"All right.†She said. â€Å"I’ll stay.†Sarah cheered. â€Å"Yay!†she said, making Liz laugh. â€Å"Come on, bet they’re waiting.†They walked back out, finding Mark had showed up and he and John were stood talking when they walked over. â€Å"Hey babe. You okay?†John said, placing his arms around Sarah. â€Å"Hello. Yeah, fine. Hi Mark.†She said. Mark smiled at her.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hawaiian Punch Short-Cycle
Marketing Problems – Applications and Decisions (74-232) Odette School of Business, University of Windsor II. Short Cycle Key person and his / her position in the organization:Kate Hoedebeck, director of marketing for Hawaiian Punch at Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages. Key issue:To prepare the 2005 Hawaiian Punch business marketing plan and coordinate the newly consolidated version of the three companies. Sub issues: 1. How will they increase market share? They already are the number 1 fruit punch drink sold in the U. S. 2.How will two distinct manufacturing, sales, and distribution networks to stock and sever an identical beverage for the same customers fare? 3. Determining the roles each will play in sales, profitability, and equity of the Hawaiian punch brand. 4. Will Cadbury Schweppes restructure for growth take focus away from maintain market leadership? 5. Can they achieve sales need to capture an attractive profit margin? 6. What are the potential competitor reactio ns? Why now? The 2005 business marketing plan is one of the key factors to ensure successful growth with the newly consolidated corporations.We are currently towards the end of 2004. By when must the key person make this decision? (Include your reason for this time frame)To allow sufficient time for the plan to be properly implemented, Hoedebeck should have it complete by September 1st, 2004. Stakes: what does the organization stand to gain or lose if it makes a good or bad decision? Potential benefits of a good decisionPotential costs of a bad decision Increased profitsDecreased profits Maintained market leadershipFailed product line Diversified promotion strategyLoss of focus from core competencies Expanded product lineBankruptcyLarger target marketLost jobs Happy retailers and foodservice customersFailed marketing strategy Competitive sustainability Over/under estimation of product or brand line More convenient for distribution and retailersWrong information in her analysis Quest ions you should ask yourself as you complete the Long Cycle: 1. Who are Hawaiian Punch’s competitors? 2. What stage of the product life style is their fruit punch beverage in? 3. What pricing/promotion strategy should they use for their product? 4. How will the consolidation impact growth? 5. What is their brand positioning? 6. What is their product line and pricing?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Still Hungry in America Essay Example
Still Hungry in America Essay Example Still Hungry in America Paper Still Hungry in America Paper Still Hungry in America Marian Edelman Wright wrote the famous literacy narrative Still Hungry in America. Marian Wright has been a proponent for disadvantaged Americans her entire life. Edelmans career began after graduating from Spellman College and Yale Law School. After graduation, she became the founding president of the Childrens Defense Fund (CDF). In result of Edelmans phenomenal leadership, CDF has become the nations strongest voice for less-fortunate families and children. The mission of CDF is to leave no child behind. This mission was imposed to ensure that every child has a healthy start, a head start, a fair start, a safe start, and a moral start in life and a successful passage to adulthood. In addition, in the many professional positions Edelman held, her primary purpose was to stand up for the ones who lived in poverty and for the ones starving from food shortage. By writing Still Hungry in America, she intended to communicate this purpose so others would Join the cause and help prevent family and children starvation. Her objective in this particular writing is to how how important government assistance programs are too many Americans. She made it very clear in her writing, that although America is the richest nation in the world, many Americans still suffer from or is on the verge of starvation. She also made it very clear that it is important to fght for these programs whenever necessary because although these programs have proven to be helpful to the American people, there are some people out there who fill they are a waste of government spending. It is easy to draw this conclusion because Edelman had to fght back at several groups n the past who tried to defund state and government programs. She also attempted to persuade readers to see her point-of-view by elaborated on the struggles she encountered and overcame in the past. In addition, she had to fght for more programs that would help less-fortunate American on a large-scale level. In result, she help fght for the implementation and expansion of government programs such as food stamps. Moreover, Edelman uses specific quotes to build her argument such as Im not hungry, dont worry about it. These quotes add to her writing significantly. In result of using this quote, it is very clear that her writing is now a combination of ethos, logos, and pathos. This is true because ethos means convincing by the character of the author, pathos means persuading by appealing to the readers emotion, and logos means by the use of reasoning. All three of these terms are clearly seen in this particular writing. Personally, I believe this writing relies more on logos than any other term. I believe this because she is mainly persuading by reasoning. By diamannichols
Monday, October 21, 2019
Architecture and Design for the Blind Client
Architecture and Design for the Blind Client Designing for the blind and visually impaired is an example of accessible design. Architects who embrace universal design understand that the needs of the blind client are the same for all people - orienting a building to provide optimal light and ventilation has been advocated by ancient Roman architects and more modern architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright. Federal legislation like the ADA has increased awareness of function in architecture; the professional designer will create beauty with the form taken. Key Takeaways Architects can design with texture, sound, heat, and smell to define spaces and functions.Tactile cues, such as differences in floor textures and changes in temperature, provide landmarks for persons who cannot see.Universal design refers to design that meets the needs of all people, thus making spaces accessible to all. Great architecture for the blind and visually impaired is just like any other great architecture, only better, says San Francisco architect Chris Downey, AIA. It looks and works the same while offering a richer and better involvement of all senses. Downey was a practicing architect when a brain tumor took his sight in 2008. With firsthand knowledge, he established Architecture for the Blind and became an expert consultant for other designers. Likewise, when architect Jaime Silva lost his eyesight to congenital glaucoma, he gained a deeper perspective on how to design for the disabled. Today the Philippine-based architect consults with engineers and other architects to manage projects and promote universal design. Is Universal Design for the Blind? Universal design is a big tent term, encompassing more familiar methods such as accessibility and barrier-free design. If design is universal - meaning a design for everyone - it is, by definition, accessible. In the built environment, accessibility means designed spaces that meet the needs of people with a wide range of abilities, including those who are blind or who have limited vision and associated cognitive difficulties. If the goal is universal design, everyone will be accommodated. Accessibility and Self-Driving Cars. Brooks Kraft LLC/Corbis via Getty Images A Continuum of Abilities Functional vision includes two areas: (1) visual acuity, or the corrected used of central vision to see details such as facial features or alphanumeric symbols; and (2) the field of vision, or the extent and capacity to identify objects peripheral to or around the central vision. In addition, depth perception and contrast sensitivity can be associated vision problems. Vision abilities vary widely. Vision impairment is a catch-all term that includes people with any visual deficit that cannot be corrected by wearing glasses of contact lenses. Visual impairments have a continuum of identifiers specific to the laws of specific countries. In the United States low vision and partially sighted are general terms for a continuum of functionality that may vary from week to week or even hour to hour. Legal blindness is not necessarily the same as total blindness. Legally blind in the U.S. is defined by corrected central vision being less than 20/200 in the better eye and/or the field of vision being limited to 20 degrees or less. That is, having only one eye does not make a person blind. Totally blind is generally the inability to use light, although the perception of light and dark may or may not exist. People are said to have light perception if they can detect light and determine from which direction the light is coming, explains the American Printing House for the Blind (APH). Another type of blindness is called cortical visual impairment (CVI), which is a neurological disorder, pointing out that vision is a process involving the eye and the brain. Colors, Illumination, Textures, Heat, Sound, and Balance What do blind people see? Many people who are legally blind actually have some vision. Bright colors, wall murals, and changes in illumination can help persons whose vision is limited. Incorporating entryways and vestibules into all architectural design helps eyes adapt to illumination changes. Tactile cues, including different floor and sidewalk textures as well as changes in heat and sound, can provide landmarks for persons who cannot see. A distinctive faà §ade may help distinguish the location of a home without having to count and keep track. Sound is an important directive for people without visual cues. Technology can be built within the walls of a home just like its built into smart phones - all you have to do is ask a question, and the built-in intelligent personal assistant can orient the occupant. Aspects of a smart house will be most useful for people with disabilities. Other physical details should be common to all universal design. Handrails for balance should be incorporated into the design of buildings. And thats the thing - architects should incorporate details into the design and not try to retro-fit for someones limitations. Like all good accessible design, universality begins with the design. Designing with the blind in mind embraces the movement toward universal design. Communicating Ideas Communication and presentation are important skills of the architect. Visually impaired architects must be even more creative in getting across their ideas. Computers have become the great equalizer for professionals with disabilities of any kind, although tactile graphic toys like Wikki Stix have long been used by people of all ages. Visually impaired architects will be useful to any organization or individual desiring to focus on inclusivity. With no prejudice to the way things look visually -  sometimes called aesthetics - the blind architect will choose the most functional detail or material first. The way it looks? What is called eye candy can come later. Finally, the Low Vision Design Program of the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) has established guidelines for residential design and recommendations for public accommodation. Their 80-page evidence-based PDF document Design Guidelines for the Visual Environment was issued in May 2015 and is filled with useful information. Sources American Foundation for the Blind. Key Definitions of Statistical Terms. Basics. American Printing House for the Blind., Chris. Design with the blind in mind. TED Talk, October 2013., Chris. Profile. Architecture for the Blind., Jan. Architect is visionary for the blind., Douglas. Design Within Reach: A blind architect relearns his craft. The Atlantic, October 2010
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Assisted Dying Essay
Assisted Dying Essay Assisted Dying Essay Assisted Dying PHI: 200 Mind and Machine July 23, 2012 Assisted Dying Physician-assisted dying and euthanasia are compromising dilemmas between what is forbidden and what should be acceptable when the dying is at the end-of-life cycle. The idea of accelerating death is a topic that generates disharmony for physicians, lawmakers and those involved in the palliative and end-of-life care circumstances. So is it inhumane to force the terminally-ill to suffer while they prefer to hastening death by a physician? According to Susan Wolf’s paper on her father’s death, she is one person would never want to accelerate the causing of death by euthanasia or assisted suicide. Let me start by stating my personal belief on this subject. I am a proponent of physician-assisted dying and euthanasia and believe that people have a right to a make decision, if capable, to longer go through treatment and end their life peacefully. I stand firm behind my statement assuming that the terminally-ill patient has been presented with every possible option available to them and comes to their own decision to end pain and suffering through assisted dying. So I try to place myself in Susan’s position to see if I would respond in the same manner as her. It is quite the conundrum. It becomes difficult for me to imagine sitting by a loved one’s bedside watching them suffer every day and not support their conscious choice to end their life. Although death is not difficult for me to grasp, I do not think I could have any part in the facilitation of dying other than respecting their decision. Who is for me to say that a person should take every medical option possible to prolong the inevitable? But with the decision to let people take control of their own life, who will then will take the burden to assist in the process†¦an answer I do not have. I feel that Susan lacked accountability in her duty as a designated proxy decision-maker when she realized the health professionals poorly informed her father about maintaining comfort after termination of artificial nutrition and hydration. She made no notion to help him understand what information she was aware of to help him understand his options. She quotes, â€Å"convinced now that he had no choice, my father soldiered on†(Wolf, 2008, p. 24). Perhaps it was for selfish reasons or held onto the idea that it seemed like a story with conflicting versions and possible trajectories (Wolf, 2008, p. 24). Perhaps she held on to tight to her ethical beliefs and left it to the professionals to answer for his slow progression in death. My response to this is that first, I am a strong proponent of ending suffering to all sentient beings. If an incident occurred were information was held from my loved one or presented in an unclear manner, it would be my duty to ensure I bring in additional resources to help communicate options that would cease suffering. Regardless of my personal stance on assisted dying, I feel a stronger sense to collect, research, and bridge any gap of communication that could help someone. Although there could be some missing pieces to this
Saturday, October 19, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4
HRM - Essay Example Focusing on this aspect, the essay discusses about the role of stakeholders in the Indigenous employment program implemented by Rio Tinto. The essay further considers contribution of human resource functions to the implementation of the program along with the witnessed strategic challenges. Stakeholders Involved and Their Roles in Indigenous Employment Program of Rio Tinto Since its establishment, Rio Tinto has strived to increase the number of indigenous employment opportunities in the business operations. It is the vision of Rio Tinto to establish strong regional economies where local communities and the organisation itself perform cooperatively. Indigenous employment program provides several advantages to the business of Rio Tinto as well as the entire community. This program permits native people to involve in the progress of mainstream economy and to get benefited from wealth generation (Rio Tinto plc 2011). For Rio Tinto, the major stakeholders of Indigenous employment program comprise local employees, communities, traditional owners & local government and other organisations such as banks and educational institutions. These stakeholders play a vital part in the Indigenous employment program of Rio Tinto (Rio Tinto plc 2011). Employees are considered as the major stakeholder in the Indigenous employment program. Employing local indigenous people in the business operation is a method of Rio Tinto to distribute the wealth created through its operations. Therefore, involvement of employees helps to provide sustainable economic as well as commercial benefits to the organisation. Rio Tinto also aims to establish mutually beneficial relationship with the traditional owners and the government. Their involvement in the program helps to set forth a shared vision for regional economic growth. The indigenous employment program summarises an opinion for the future and states a mutual acknowledgement of tasks of traditional owners which are related with mining fields. On the other hand, the business of Rio Tinto is related with several agreements and Acts with respect to mine improvements, land accesses and land uses among others. Therefore involvement of the government helps to uplift these agreements and Acts and as a result, provide support to the Indigenous employment program. Furthermore, government and traditional owners also support for the involvement of native people in the workforce of Rio Tinto (Rio Tinto Limited n.d.). Banks and educational institutions also play a vital role in the indigenous employment program. Banks help to provide funding support for the employment program in order to develop the capabilities of indigenous people. Furthermore, in regional areas, the employees require preparation for performing their tasks in the factory. Therefore, involvement of educational institutions helps to establish a beneficial platform by school tutoring and support arrangements. Rio Tinto focuses on an all-inclusive method in order to e nsure that possible indigenous employees are prepared to perform. Contextually, mining operations can be unfamiliar and overpowering for new
Friday, October 18, 2019
Confucianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Confucianism - Essay Example In fact, the Five Great Relationships are five fundamentals of noble behavior (Phatak, 2011). The first one is a good attitude of a father to a son, and the respectful attitude of a son to a father. The second rule of the Great Relationships lies in a gentle attitude of an elder brother to younger ones and respect of younger children to an elder brother. The third relationship manifests itself in a righteous treatment of a wife by her husband and wife’s obedience to him. The forth important doctrine of moral relations between people reflects in a humane attitude of older people to younger ones and respectful attitude of younger men to older people. And finally the fifth principle of morality is a generous attitude of rulers to ministers and citizens and respective loyalty of ministers and citizens to their rulers. It is obvious that Confucius has seen relations between people themselves as the highest form and main basis of successful intercourse of state rulers and average ci tizens, since men, as they are presented by nature without any statuses and social positions, serve as a premier source of morality provided by their constant development of ethical principles of life. In practice, Confucius has believed that there is a particular power in the Universe helping people to follow these rules of relationships. It can unite everybody regardless their high or low social positions in their understanding of each other, which directly leads to democratic regulation of relations. Consequently, harmony settles in every possible sphere of people’s being, for there is no place for quarrels, strife, wars, and any other conflicts in family, community and country at all. Continuing the concept of people’s moral development, Confucianism proclaims the idea of the junzi or the Ideal Person. â€Å"This idea of a model man or an ideal gentleman is a very important
Final report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Final report - Essay Example In my capacity, I was entitled to: evaluate the effectiveness of the payment methods provided by the Al-Rahal Auto & Finance, Inc.; Set solutions to lack of payments by customers as scheduled; and to Simplify techniques of sending and/ or receiving clients’ insurance information. # A description of key projects or assignments completed All the above assignments actually formed the basic functions of the organization. This means therefore that the organization had to ensure their completion through ensuring simplicity of the systems to be used but keeping them very secure to deter possible hacking; sensitizing the organization on the need to set up a customer care unit to offer assistance to the clients in case of any problems; and using both e-mail and physical addresses for the attainment of both soft and hard copies of the same information. # How the work completed relates to the domain of International Business By carrying out all the mandates and plans of the organization, as set to meet the needs of the local and international clients efficiently and with ease recommended, the international business domain will obviously be achieved. Besides, the services of this organization are never restricted to any particular region/ country but for everyone interested. # Lessons in relation to the domain of international business The domain of international business requires operations within clients’ expectations and the internationally stipulated guidelines. To keep by this, the organization generates multilevel frameworks of its specific aims for the international business, leading to proposition, which in return broadens the focus and compares this firm to related disciplines. This strategy provides pathways that maintain the organization’s international business richly relevant for a high number of communities affected by the international business. It is therefore true that this experience has exposed me to the modern practices of business in a global context. # New skills/knowledge acquired As an international intern I was able to gain a sound investment portfolio that is broadly diversified and consistent with the main investment objectives of growth, income, or a combination of both, for the purpose of ensuring business and economic growth for the organization and its local and international customers. In this respect therefore, I was at a position where there were effective strategies for learning organization’s values, analyze globe’s current financial situation, and successfully understand my feeling about managing financial resources – the Dream-Plan-Track approach to financial planning (Sheldon, K.M. and Kasser, T., 1998). # What strengths and weaknesses have you discovered The international organization, Al-Rahal Auto & Finance, Inc., has a mission of being a strategic dealer partner that has the intense intension of specializing in providing personalized finance department for customers with less than perfect credit, through helping them to establish either from a position of no credit or subprime credit to a prime or near prime credit rating in a period of 36 months or less. Al-Rahal Auto & Finance, Inc. experienced team of managers which focuses largely on educating their customers about credit and thereafter providing adequate financing for an automobile with everything
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business decision making cast study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business decision making cast - Case Study Example ) What are the Country Based Competitive Advantages & Disadvantages? (Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the PowerPoint’s from the class notes for some additional guidelines.) Market & Customers – Customers are affluent, highly health-conscious, and fiercely loyal. There is an increased demand for locally produced products as a result of Slow Food movement and 100-Mile Diet. However, the customers have minimum bargaining power because the foreign cheeses, the main rivals, are of high cost. Buyer & Supplier – the company is heavily dependent on suppliers for the supply of milk, giving them more bargaining power. In addition, the company has the tendency to buy local, which gives suppliers more power. Government quota agreements also increase supplier power. What external Macro Environment factors impact this business? (Using the SPITE Analysis, Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the Week 2 PowerPoint’s for some additional guidelines.) Staffing & Leadership perspective- Klahsen is a mother and already has a busy life managing both business and family. In addition, she is planning to retire in 10-15 years. However, the company pays fair wages, making its staff loyal. Moreover, the company has developed good brand name, which makes it easy to attract employees but Klahsen’s age and lack of time will be a constraint. What does the financial analysis reveal? (This section will require students to actually look at the financial information and in most cases, make a few calculations based on the â€Å"5 Groups of Financial Models†we discussed in discussed in class. When financial information is not specifically available students should be able to speculate some written descriptions instead of financial calculations.) Profitability – though there was an
Ethics Reflection Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics Reflection - Term Paper Example This situation does create the impressions that businesses do not really have a set of ethical principles to follow as it conducts it operations and that these do not feel any responsibility toward society. Such notions may be the result of certain corporations that are indeed callously advancing activities that negatively affect people while reaping great profits at the same time. One proof is the prevalent concept that, â€Å"from an economic point of view, one can only afford to be ethical as long as one remains competitive†(Duska 2007, p.62). In order to reduce the intensity of the conflict between business and other sectors of society, as well between it and the employees, there is a need to focus on the education and reeducation of the management and the owners on business ethics and social responsibility. Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell explain that â€Å"business ethics comprises the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business†(2010, p. 6). This definition emphasizes the need for companies to refer always to such moral precepts and standards as they embark on activities related to their respective businesses.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business decision making cast study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business decision making cast - Case Study Example ) What are the Country Based Competitive Advantages & Disadvantages? (Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the PowerPoint’s from the class notes for some additional guidelines.) Market & Customers – Customers are affluent, highly health-conscious, and fiercely loyal. There is an increased demand for locally produced products as a result of Slow Food movement and 100-Mile Diet. However, the customers have minimum bargaining power because the foreign cheeses, the main rivals, are of high cost. Buyer & Supplier – the company is heavily dependent on suppliers for the supply of milk, giving them more bargaining power. In addition, the company has the tendency to buy local, which gives suppliers more power. Government quota agreements also increase supplier power. What external Macro Environment factors impact this business? (Using the SPITE Analysis, Be as specific as possible in terms of the context of the company / case being discussed. – Please use the Week 2 PowerPoint’s for some additional guidelines.) Staffing & Leadership perspective- Klahsen is a mother and already has a busy life managing both business and family. In addition, she is planning to retire in 10-15 years. However, the company pays fair wages, making its staff loyal. Moreover, the company has developed good brand name, which makes it easy to attract employees but Klahsen’s age and lack of time will be a constraint. What does the financial analysis reveal? (This section will require students to actually look at the financial information and in most cases, make a few calculations based on the â€Å"5 Groups of Financial Models†we discussed in discussed in class. When financial information is not specifically available students should be able to speculate some written descriptions instead of financial calculations.) Profitability – though there was an
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Essay
Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Communication (unites states post office) - Essay Example The shooting led to 6 people being killed on the spot and one person was seriously injured in this event. The underlying issue of this shooting was that the person was waiting for a long time and was not being served. The parties to the conflict include the lady shooter and the employees of the postal service. The chosen party for this paper is the postal service employees. There was no clear negotiation that was brought out here in this case. The angry lady instead of taking up the issue with the employees went on to take a serious step of opening fire to the building. There was a slight negotiation that was present where the lady showed signs of urgency and her body language did show a level of urgency. However my side of the parties seems to have ignored this urgency and have not been able to provide the required service to the lady. There was clearly no verbal message that was shown by the lady except the one request of asking the employees to deal with her requested service. The negotiation method adopted for this case was not a cooperative one in any manner and there was more of a competitive behavior that was seen which led the lady to take the intense step of shooting at the employees of the organization. Considering myself in this position as the employee at the counter, I would have acknowledged the request of the lady and would have explained to her that once I was done with the other customer, she would be attended to next. If there was a possibility for another employee to cater to her, I would have requested my coworker to deal with the situation. Also, based on this experience, I would have suggested to the company the need for two counters one which dealt with the urgent requests while the other which deals with the normal work. The conflict is one which cannot be anticipated, hence any decision taken at the spur of the moment would be the best that one could do. Hence I personally believe that nothing could
Pros and Cons of Partnership as a Form of Ownership Essay Example for Free
Pros and Cons of Partnership as a Form of Ownership Essay Q.1 Identify the pros and cons of the partnership as a form of ownership? A partnership is formed when two or more people engage in a business activity and share investment, profit and loss. Just like any other form of ownership, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Following we discuss some of the pros and cons of a partnership. Pros of the Partnership (1) Ease of Formation: Partnership is comparatively simple to form. All you need to form a partnership is an agreement. A verbal agreement is enough to start a partnership however it is much recommended that partnership be formed based on a written legal partnership agreement. (2) Funding: Partnerships generally have a low startup cost. With two or more people investing capital in the company, the business will have a much stronger financial ground. Two or more people can also have better access to outside funds needed to run the business (3) Divided Responsibility: In a partnership responsibilities of running a business are shared by the owners. Shared responsibilities ease the work load on individuals and can also increase productivity by splitting responsibilities in a way that individuals can use their special skills to maximize the output. (4) Support: Owning and running a business can be very demanding, challenging and stressful. Having a business partner can give you a little peace of mind because a partner can provide moral support when needed. (5) Taxation: The income profit/loss in a partnership flows through the business to individual partners for taxation. In other words the partners are taxed only on the basic of personal income i-e how much loss or profit a partner endured. Cons of Partnership: (1) Liability: In a partnership both partners have un-limited liability (not in LP and LLP). Both partners are responsible for not only their own actions but also the actions of their partners. So, if your partner fails to pay a debt, you personally are responsible for paying that debt and vice versa. If someone sues the partnership and the business doesn’t have enough money to cover the expenses than the partners personal assets will be at stake. (2) Conflicts and Disagreements: Partnerships are for the long term and over the course of time conflicts arise and disagreement happens. Whether these are personal or management style conflicts. They can adversely affect the business. When general partners don’t agree it can delay the decision making time of the company and a bad conflict is enough to dissolve a partnership. (3) Dependence on Partners: The success of any partnership depends heavily on contribution from all partners. If a partner withdraws the business will be crippled, if a partner dies the partnership can die with him. Moreover you can’t make any business decision on your own you’re dependent on your partner. (4) Difficulty Withdrawing: It is not that easy to get out of a partnership. Whoever needs to withdraw will be personally liable for any monetary obligations due at the time of withdrawl. Q.2 Discuss funding options for small business? In order to run a business you need capital. Getting the money together to start a new business is the top priority of any entrepreneur. There are several ways to finance a small business. Following are some options for financing a small business. (1) Personal Resources: Using your own assets is the most common form of small business financing. You can use money from your saving, ask family or friends for capital or use a credit card. (2) Loans: In order to startup a new business, entrepreneur borrows money from the banks. The banks charge an interest rate on the money lent. The business owner must pay the original money borrowed plus the accumulated interest over the life of the loan. In today’s economy it is not easy to secure a commercial loan with the bank. A better and easier way for a new business to get a bank loan is with loan guarantee from the SBA. (3) Angels Investors: Another way to fund a small business is by private investors. Angel Investors are individuals who have a lot of money and are looking to invest a large amount into a profitable business for financial gain and profits. (4) Venture Capital: The companies who fund promising and high potential companies in exchange for ownership shares are known as venture capital firms. Venture capital is the money provided by venture capital firms to startup businesses that are perceived to have a long term growth potential. It has a high risk for investor but also has potential for above average profit returns. 3. Determine and discuss how managerial accounting can help managers with product costing, incremental analysis and budgeting? Managerial accounting provides accounting information needed by managers inside an organization to run its day to day operations. It provides managers with financial information’s needed to make sound business decisions. Managerial accounting information includes budgeting, product costing, performance reports, variance analysis and financial ratios. Following we look at three managerial duties that rely on information received from managerial accounting: (1) Product Costing: Product costing is the process of accurately determine the cost of a single product, by analyzing all the expenses that accrued from the beginning (raw material) to the end (sale). In traditional costing method indirect costs are applied to products, based on an overhead rate that is predetermined. The traditional costing system is easier and much simpler but fails to add the cost of non-manufacturing goods that are associated with the production of that item. (2) Activity Based Costing: Activity Based Costing is a new method in costing. It’s much more complicated that the traditional costing system. ABC gives a much more accurate product cost. Under activity based accounting associated with production of an item is determined and priced. This priced activity is than assigned to every product that requires the prices activity for production. Managerial accounting provides managers with the financial information needed to determine the cost of a manufactured product. (3) Incremental Analysis: Incremental Analysis is a decision making tool. It is used for the analysis of financial information needed to make an informed decision. In incremental analysis two different alternatives are weighed out in terms of cost/profit and the impact of the outcome of this analysis will have on a particular decision. It basically points our related cost and revenue of each alternative and the impact this alternative will have on future income. After using incremental analysis and choosing one alternative over the other. The cost change that occurs due to choosing the alternative is called incremental cost. Managerial accounting provides us with the numbers needed to compare two different alternatives, pick the right one and analyze the difference in cost. Budgeting: It helps managers plan and control costs and revenues. Budgeting is a tool for managers to determine how much money needs to be spent in order to generate a certain level of income. Budgeting in simple terms can be called forecasting; in budgeting we prepare a very detailed statement of financial results that are likely to happen in a time period to come. Companies use budget to plan for a future period based on financial statements. Managerial accounting provides managers with the financial statement for budgeting. Q4. Discuss the basic components of the marketing process using the product or service of your choice as an example? Marketing strategy can be described as an activity to position a product, attract customers while promoting the interest of stakeholders in a business. Marketing makes it possible to communicate the value of a product or service to consumers. Following the basic components of marketing process is explained briefly using artificial jewelry as a product. (1) Product Strategy: Methodologies, tools and technology used by a business to differentiate and distinguish its product from its competitors, is called product strategy. In terms of artificial jewelry my strategy would be to describe my product in full detail including where it was made, who it was designed by and what metals were used in its formation. I would also set my product apart by choosing appealing packaging and I would back the quality of my product by giving guarantees. And above all I would provide exemplary product designs and excellent customer service. (2) Pricing Strategy: Pricing Strategy is very important in marketing because it generates a turnover for the company and it’s also important because it affects other components of marketing as well. In terms of artificial jewelry first I would do a thorough research on competition prices, than I would calculate my final cost and select a pricing objective. I would compare my sale price with that of my competitors, and make sure that my price is lower than the competitors and value of my product is higher than the competition. Initially, I would keep my profitability low and will try to build clientele base by providing unbeatable prices. (3) Distribution Strategy: Distribution plays a very important role in marketing strategy. It involves how well the final product is delivered to the consumer. The product must be delivered to the end user in the right quantity, at the correct date and time. In terms of artificial jewelry most of my sales will be distributed at shows and festivals organized by different entities and a major part of my sales is also going to be web based. I will contact different shipping companies to find out the best courier in terms of price and value. And ship my jewelry through the best medium, at minimum amount of tie. (4) Promotion Strategy: Promotion Strategy is also vital part of marketing. A promotion strategy includes all the ways used by companies to provide information about their product in such a way that it would ultimately increase the company’s sale. In terms of artificial jewelry I would offer some sort of coupon and advertise my discount. Offer free shipping (when possible), maintain customer relations and send out promotional information to existing clients. Q.5 Discuss the role of social responsibility and technology in the marketing function. Social Responsibility in Marketing: Being socially responsible for an organization means that it cares and shows concerns about the people and environment in which they conduct business. Marketing can be described as promotion, selling and distribution of a product. Social responsibilities in marketing would first of all include truth telling about their product , all the information about the product should be correct and up to date. Companies should be concerned about their environment and take steps to make a cleaner. Companies should also show support for social causes in marketing. Company should market their product in a way that it doesn’t offend any group of people. Technology in Marketing: The technological boom in the past years had definitely revolutionized marketing. The internet has created numerous marketing opportunities for businesses. Now days there are numerous marketing firms that work exclusively on the internet. At first radio changed marketing, than TV and now it’s the age of hand held devices and internet. Marketers now days know that constant technological advances require evolution in the marketing process. With technological advances it’s much simpler and quicker to get customer feedback. It is much simpler to deliver the product to the customer and to do market research and maintain your brand reputation. Technology had had a great impact on marketing.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Looking At Heroic Code In The Iliad English Literature Essay
Looking At Heroic Code In The Iliad English Literature Essay In book 9 of The Iliad, the greatest example of heroes, Achilles, questions in mid-way about the heroic code. However, it is just a shattering start for the process in seeking another point of view about what and how to construct a real hero. Through a miserable loss and ability to relate to other characters in the book, finally, Achilles ends up that process with a lesson: Rather than the honor gained in the battle, a hero is also inspired by the connectedness to other people, fighting for the survival of their city, families and companions. Achilless suspicion about the true value of heroic code brings up a new perspective to the Iliads readers, showing them how the heroic world may look from the position outside it. Initially, it seems to make sense that Nothing is worth my life, not all the riches/ They say Troy held before the Greeks came, (9.415-16) Achilles said, when he has plenty of possession, and those honor-conferring material gifts are not a worth-while compensation for the loss of his life on the battle. Also, it is hard to object when he criticizes the pointlessness of the heroic system: Coward and hero get the same reward:/You die whether you slack off or work. (9.326-27) However, those arguments are only subjective and associated with blindness. The speech of Phoenix, one of the ambassadors and Achilles beloved old tutor, fully answers Achilles concern and points out what Achilles cannot see. He tells the story of Meleager, a man who was wronged and refused to defend his country. He retired in his room wi th his beloved wife and stayed out of the fighting until the moment when his city was about to be destroyed. He realized that his wifes safety could be threatened if his country lost in the war. Therefore, he returned to battle and fought for his city, but at that point Meleager just won little honor. Phoenixs story responds to Achilles accusation that gifts are inadequate compensation for fighting by showing that there are still other reasons besides honor why people lose their lives for fighting. That is because of their family, their close friends, and any bonds of friendship in a small community. At this point, the family concept and the interrelation between individuals become revealing as an integral aspect of heroic code. This idea slowly develops in further Book through Achilles relationship to others on a personal basis. It is only after Patroclus death that Achilles realizes what is missing in his previous accusation, which also highlights those above newfound perspectives of human connectedness. A hero, of course, must fulfill his status in combat on the battlefield, to get honored for himself; besides, it is stressed that he has to respect his family, show loyalty to his friends, and protect his comrades. Achilles learns this precious lesson after a miserable loss: A mist black grief enveloped Achilles/He scooped up fistfuls of sunburnt dust/And poured it on his head, fouling/His beautiful face à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (18.23-26) The word envelope is used sophisticatedly as, like a letter is covered underneath another thick paper, Achilles gets stuck in a confusing thinking stream about if his own honor is an ultimate purpose he is seeking for throughout all his lie, or his close relationship with companions matters more to his true heroic value. He gets lost. He conflicts with himself. The image of self-w illed man with strong accusation at the beginning disappears; instead, that man is acting unconsciously: He scooped up fistfuls of sunburnt dust/And poured it on his head, fouling/His beautiful face à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (18.24-26) Beautiful face is a nice metaphor for the image of an ideal hero which Achilles mistakenly overvalues for himself, and dust can be understood as the force for Achilles to break against that monument and reach the underneath true heroic code. Now, Achilles begins to see life and relationships with other people from a mortal point of view. Patrocluss death is a strong reminder of those other reasons for fighting that Achilles forgets in his initial undermining of honor. In a material human world, heroes may treasure the reward and social status as a consequence of winning the fighting, but they are also motivated by the patriotism for the city they protect and by the love for family and friend they deeply involve. Family and deep bond of friendship also take part in constructing the moral aspect in a real heros character. This excites the readers profoundly besides many bloody brutal killing scenes throughout the book. In the scene Priam takes ransom to demand Hectors corpse back for a proper burial, the readers can witness a new side in Achilles behavior that never plays out before: full of sincere kindness and sympathy. Compared with the intense savagery when Achilles cruelly drags Hectors corpse around the walls of Troy, this move entirely surprises the readers. Priam huddled in grief at Achilles feet, cried/ And moaned softly for his man-slaying Hector. (24.547-49) Homer uses the verb huddle, somehow in contrast with high status of Priam, a king, to demonstrate that death is no barrier to the honor and glory achieved in life. Priams begging does not dishonor him; instead, he does that in the name of his family member. This action truly captures Achilles pity and breaks down his resistance. Achilles knows that his fate is to die at Troy and never return home in Phthia. He realizes how desperate his father, Peleus, feels once he knows that heart-breaking news of his son, which might happens to Priam if Achilles does not return Hectors corpse to him. And Achilles cried for this father and/ For Patroclus. The sound filled the room. (24.550-51) Just only any object that is visible and have weight can fill up a space, but Homer uses that verb for the sound to show that, this time, Achilles tear has value because he already learns his mistake in self-absorption and changes himself to care for other peoples feelings. Finally, he reaches to his identity as a mortal, letting go of his previous bitter outrage, and sharing the grief of loss with other mortals. Generosity, or forgiveness, also constructs a real hero. This is a precious lesson that Achilles learns till the end. The Iliad, set aside all of the brutal killing scenes, is a work deeply concerned with the true value of heroic system. Specifically, the questioning of Achilles in Book 9 brings up a new insight for the Iliads readers. The heros brilliant performance in the battlefield is fundamental to maintain his status. Furthermore, he had to fulfill his responsibility in accordance with his family, friends, and community in general.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Review of film Amadeus Essay -- Movie Film Composer Mozart Music Essay
Review of film 'Amadeus' Amadeus is a movie based on the career and the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Viennese during the 18th century. Throughout the film Antonio Salieri tells his story of his growing hatred for Mozart that eventually led to his ?murder?. Through out the rest of the movie you can see where Salieri is getting even more jealous of Mozart. Although Salieri was inspired to become Gods instrument the music of that time ?classical era? did not revolve around the church or God unlike the Medieval and Baroque periods. But a good thing for Salieri was that most operas still did involve God. Through out Salieri's childhood his father had forbid him to become a composer because in so many words it was a waste of time for him. Normally a father dying would be something bad but being the man Salieri would turn out to be it is understandable that he would take it as gaining his freedom. He would become Gods instrument because he vowed to heath the word of God in his music. He eventually worked his way to be the court composer for Emperor Joseph II. The real jealousy came to him when his dreams were put on hold because Emperor Joseph II asked specifically for Mozart to compose a national opera for Viennese. Salieri found that young Mozart was in fact a prodigy at a concert thrown by Mozart?s patron, the Archbishop of Salzburg. To find that Mozart was in fact a prodigy disappointed Salieri quit obviously. It was in his mind that God had chosen Mozart to ...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Impact of Divorce on a Teenager :: Impact of Divorce on Children
All over the world, parents decide to divorce and this leaves children hurt and confused. The children may lose contact with one parent or they might decide to makes some bad decisions in their life due to the feeling of neglect. Some of the bad choices could be mental health disorders and struggling in academics. There are impacts on teens that could be short term but there are also long term effects too, because most of them look up to their parents as role models. (decent statement of theme) Family clearly impacts teenagers, especially a divorce. [Why this last sentence? This is a â€Å"no duh†comment=you knew it before you started. Maybe it works as a 1st sentence, but not a last one.] In the book The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, the main character, Esperanza, was affected by many external forces, including family. Esperanza is a young teen who just moved to Mango Street, and she doesn’t like her house because it’s ugly, and she dreams of another house that her family has promised one day. â€Å"I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window (Cisneros 11). This was in reference to her great grandmother who didn’t want to marry, but Esperanza’s great grandfather kidnapped her and forced her to marry, where Esperanza’s great grandmother never forgave him and looked out a window for the rest of her life. Esperanza didn’t chose her name, her family did, and she didn’t chose who her family is either. The external force of family is an issue in real life just as it is in this novel, and the teens learn to either love it or hate it. [Whoa! Where’s the divorce here? Why not use the mothers who are single parents? Isn’t that closer to divorce?] Adolescents tend to find ways to let out their emotions and try to escape their problems, and this unfortunately leads them to make poor decisions that hurt them more than they know that it would be. Alcohol actually is a depressant because it slows down the function of the central nervous system and it cause people to lose coordination and not be able to think straight. [Again, whoa! Where’s the divorce here? Why start with drinking? Suggestion: if this is what some teens do when faced with divorce, then maybe this should go as your 2nd or 3rd comment, not your 1st.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Tanglewood Case Two
Tanglewood Case 2 Strategic Staffing (HR 594) Summer Session B [email protected] com TANGLEWOOD CASE TWO ATT: Daryl Perrone After analyzing the data and performing an environmental scan it is clear that the demographics of Spokane, Washington will present you will problems filling vacancies based on the Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington and according to my research 84% of these people are white. The next largest minority group, Hispanic, is only at 5% and the third largest group is mixed races which is just 3. 8%.As you can see Tacoma, Washington is not very diverse and finding the enough competent employees from minority groups may be difficult given the fact that there are not that many to begin with. According to the Census Bureau, Tacoma’s percentages of non-white employment in both the fields of retail salespersons and first line supervisors for retail are low in comparison with the available workforce. This tel ls me that it is not just Tanglewood that is failing to hire minorities; the whole city of Tacoma needs to do a better job of increasing their minority incumbency percentages.Incumbency is a term used to describe that a position is being held and is often used by the human resource department to determine where and how demographic shifts are needed. Although your minority incumbency percent is well above the required 80% for department managers finding more minorities for positions with higher volumes of vacancy is going to be a huge problem. Your store associate minority incumbency percent is only at 65. 8% and in order to meet the requirements you need to do a better job of recruiting minorities to fill these positions. The percent of minority incumbency for shift leaders is also too low.As far as female incumbency percentages are concerned, the department manager position needs to be improved more than anything. It is quite clear that Tanglewood needs to hire more females for man agerial positions and more minorities for entry level positions. According to my gap analysis, next year you are going to be extremely short of store associates and filling these positions according to the EEO will be a difficult task. Tell your managers that they need to get busy and prepare to hire 3,995 people for store associate level positions. You will also need to hire quite a few department managers; a total of 156.As far as shift leaders are concerned, only 90 people are needed for this position. There will be staff overloads for both assistant store managers and store managers. This means that perhaps some people will need to be let go and when doing so I recommend that you keep in mind the low incumbency percentage for females in the manager positions. Also remember that more minorities are needed for both store associates and shift leaders. In order to balance out your employment structure more, I have come up with a simple statement of action for hiring for Washington n ext year.The most important thing seems to be solving your problem of maintaining store associates. This year, 41% of your store associates left your company and in order to decrease this percentage you need to make sure that the employees are being taken care of properly. Some methods to retain more employees are by giving them more opportunities for advancement within the company, increasing their benefits package, proving higher wages, etc. Too many people at the entry level are giving up and this improving your ability to retain employees will prove to be beneficial to the company.Another major plan of action is to fill in more of the entry level positions with minorities. Your incumbency percentage for this category is really low and if you don’t fix this problem you are going to be facing a load of issues with the EEO. Unlike your problem with promoting women to management positions, your problem with providing low entry jobs for minorities is one that will require rest ructuring and time. Although there are not a lot of minorities in the area to fill these positions it is your company’s duty to do a better job of recruiting minorities.This means that you will need to change your recruitment practices and perhaps extend beyond Tacoma to find talent. Realistically I don’t see Tanglewood meeting the demands for minority incumbency for the store associate position in a single year. Hiring internally gives the current employees more hope and will improve the problem you are facing with keeping your employees loyal to the company. Although focusing primarily on internal promotions decreases the chance of finding a stellar employee, it will solve a lot of the current problems your company is facing. I recommend that you promote current females and minorities internally.This will keep more low entry level employees motivated to stay and also improve your problems with incumbency percentages as well. Wood himself mentioned in a recent intervi ew with Business Monthly that, â€Å"Tanglewood really needs to slow down and take a hard look at our corporate culture†. He goes on by saying, â€Å"Right now, we need to consolidate and make sure we’re as close to the company’s original mission as we can be†. Taking this quote into consideration it is clear that the recent expansion increases have destroyed the relationship between the low level employees and Tanglewood.This does not merely apply to the Washington stores, but to rather the entire store as a whole. People are running in and out of this company and the only way to stop the large percentage of people quitting is by doing a better job of taking care of their needs. On a personal and professional level employees, especially at the low entry level, need to be Tanglewood’s top priority. Table 1. 1 Markov Analysis Information Transition probability matrix| Current year| | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| Exit| Previous year| (1) Store associate| 0. 53| 0. 06| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 41| | (2) Shift leader| 0. 00| 0. 50| 0. 16| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 4| | (3) Department manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 58| 0. 12| 0. 00| 0. 30| | (4) Assistant store manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 06| 0. 46| 0. 08| 0. 40| | (5) Store manager| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 00| 0. 66| 0. 34| | | Forecast of availabilities| Next year (projected)| | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| Exit| | | Current Workforce| | | | | | | Previous year| (1) Store associate| 8,500| 4505| 510| 0| 0| 0| 3485| | (2) Shift leader| 1,200| 0| 600| 192| 0| 0| 408| | (3) Department manager| 850| 0| 0| 493| 102| 0| 255| | (4) Assistant store manager| 150| 0| 0| 9| 69| 12| 60| | (5) Store manager| 50| 0| 0| 0| 0| 33| 17| | | | | | | | |Gap analysis| Next year (projected)| | | | (1)| (2)| (3)| (4)| (5)| | Year end total(column sum)| 4505| 1110| 694| 171| 55| | External hires needed (current workforce-total)| 3995| 90| 156| 0| 0| WORKS CITED 1. Table 1. 1 , Markov Analysis Information by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 2. Table 1. 2 Determining Availability by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 3. Table 1. 3 Comparing Incumbency to Availability and Annual Placement Goals, by Tanglewood Casebook to Accompany Staffing Organizations, 7e 4. †Spokane Population and Demographics. †Area Connect. MDNH Inc.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Edgar Degas Paintings Comparison and Analysis
Edgar Degas has become known as one of the world’s most influential Impressionist, or Realist (the title he preferred), artists. Impressionism was one of the most important art movements in the nineteenth century and had great influences on Modern Art development. The first Impressionist exhibitions were held in 1874, but at the time, it still was not recognized as a real art. Impressionist artists, including Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir, ignored details, revealed their brushstrokes, and placed unblended colors next to each other throughout their artwork. They were artists who were dissatisfied with Academic Art and opposed the Romantics idea that the main reason for art was to create emotional excitement for its viewers. Edgar Degas was one of these ‘rebels’ and one of the most prominent members of the group. Degas became known for his description of his subjects, which included depictions of ballet dancers and woman bathing which portrayed the ‘Impressionist’ label of experimental and vivid use of color. 1 As seen throughout many of his paintings, Degas consistently is seen to observe â€Å"laundresses, milliners and ballet dancers at work. 2 He employs in his artwork unusual perspectives and complex formal structures. His works, â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†are two in particular pieces that are well-known and clearly depict the ‘Impressionist’ details of Degas. Both are very familiar in style, and in symbolism as well. â€Å"Dancers in Pin k and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing her Hair†are two of hundreds of Degas pieces. They have significant similarities in style, mostly in part because they both reflect Impressionist artistic details. The charm of these two pictures are abstract- consisting in rhythm of light and shade, color and movement. Degas uses oil on canvas for â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green. †The vibrant colors, especially pink and green, are prominent in the painting and portray to the viewer a natural view of the ballerinas. The ballerinas appear natural and spontaneous rather than having a build up of composition with well-studied proportions and balance. Edgar Degas’ goal was to create a simple yet appealing image to the eye. Although Edgar Degas ignored details, revealed brushstrokes and placed unblended colors side by side, he still created a very realistic image of the ballerinas. If a viewer were to take a few steps back from the painting, the image itself seems to fall into place and seems real and intricate. His unusual perspectives and complex structures present in his artworks are also seen in his â€Å"Woman Combing her Hair. †Edgar Degas created â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†with pastels on a light green wove paper. The pastels helped establish a simple in theme, but complex in structure, composition. He depended upon vivid colors and purposeful gestures in his paintings rather than precise lines. 3 These characteristics added to the depiction of the subject of the painting. As seen in the previous Dancer art piece, the natural image of a woman is portrayed, but in this case it is a woman combing her hair. There is no build up of composition with studied proportions or balance as well- it is an image merely of a naked woman combing her hair. â€Å"The animal being that takes care of himself, a cat that licks itself. Up to this moment, the nude has been presented in poses that had a public in mind; my women, on the other hand, are simple honest people who bother with nothing but the very caring of their bodies. †(Edgar Degas)4 This quote reflects upon his view as an Impressionist artist. He did not want to portray his women as fixed poses that are established to create an image of a typical woman’s stance in the public mind, but to just provide the audience with a natural woman performing the mere routines of caring for her body. Within the two paintings, Degas expressed and categorized these women according to their profession: whether they be dancers or regular women of the household. They represented specific types of individuals. 5 Although completely different in themes, both paintings relay a similar message that not only characterizes Degas’ paintings, but characterizes Degas himself. It is evident through the collection of his works that Edgar Degas has developed obsessions, especially with woman in different forms. In these two cases, the women are either dancers or are regular woman performing daily routines such as combing hair. He is a keen observer to women and has cultivated complete objectivity in his paintings for he catches complete natural spontaneous poses of his subjects. These poses were very controversial at the time because it ‘exposed’ women in an uncommon way- a nude portrayal of them just in the means of their home. It could be nterpreted that Degas took regular woman routines, and added sexual depictions to them on purpose so that from then on, a woman combing her hair could be then be imagined as a woman combing her hair naked. As seen in â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green,†Degas reveals a simple image of multiple dancers getting ready to perform, and one in-particular dancer is just staring at her feet while others are prep ping for the performance. This simple depiction has more complex meaning in that the dancers are typically portrayed dancing. However, in this case, Degas shows one of them just staring at her feet- not dancing yet. Dance depicts structure, form and predetermined actions- a contradiction to his ideal of natural spontaneous poses. In â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair,†the image is obviously simple- a woman performing a daily routine. This indicates clearly that Edgar Degas seems to pay much attention to women’s actions in detail. The ballet dancers and naked woman are like a film sequence of women in his collection. They are neither delirious or romantic figures, but instead are objects of obsessed study of their working movements and intimate daily activities. Both â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†and â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair†were painted to portray a very natural feel, as if the viewers have come upon the scene without the knowledge of the people engaged in it. Quality of unexpectedness and elasticity is evident, and this suits the expression of movement and life in the paintings. Every appears to not to be premeditated, but an instantaneous impression, unlike a camera because the action isn’t suspended- it retains elastic rhythm of moving life. Within these two pieces of art, Edgar Degas is seen to put emphasis on certain aspects. In the case of the ballet dancers, emphasis is placed on the dancers’ costumes through their vivid color and size in comparison to the dancers’ body. They seem to ‘stand-out’ from the body in the painting. Degas’ ballet dancers have no beauty in the face or grace of figure in an ordinary sense. Rather, the beauty of the painting is depicted through the vibrant unblended colors of the pink and green costumes. The colors of the costumes, although they are very visible, are simultaneously related to the background colors- the natural colors of the scenery in the painting. In â€Å"Woman Combing Her Hair,†emphasis is prominently placed upon the the length and color of the woman’s hair. The painting is dominated by light colors such as light vibrant green, and the white rug and the soft skin tones; however, the hair seems to be the prominent feature of the image that catches the eye the most. It’s length and dark luscious color grab the viewers’ attention and draws them to the focus: the woman combing her hair. Like the ballet dancers in â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†Degas does not make an attempt to conceal the physical activity of this woman. Without seeing the woman’s face, it is difficult to identify her beauty for he has purposefully concealed it so that emphasis could be placed on the action and artistic expression rather than the details. This also applies to the â€Å"Dancers, in Pink and Green†painting. This unusual angularity was common in many of Degas’ pieces- it was a distinct characteristic of his innovative composition. He received many of his ideas from Japanese Print Art- this type of art heavily influenced his paintings; and his paintings and art style has in-turn influenced the artists following him. Edgar Degas has made history in the art world. His paintings have influenced and affected many, and have also been an inspiration for the next generation of artists. He made a huge impact on the effect that Impression had on the public and was known for it. His art had harmonious representation- aesthetic moments fixed on the canvas. : E. de Goncourt Jamal said on February 13, 1874 in commentary to Degas’ first exhibition: â€Å"Up until now, he is the person who best represents in a modern form what may be called the soul. †6
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
University bookstore Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
University bookstore - Research Paper Example The university bookstore has been in operations for the past fourteen years, the presence of the book store has been of significance for the university as well as the students due to the fact that it has been providing academic material as well as computer supplier.Due to the fact that the computer supplies are in more sdemand during he intake season usually during the fall season or the proceeding summers. The demand arising due to the usual intake of students as well as the accumulating demand over the previous intake, causes the operations of the bookstore are affected unusually. Arising primarily from the scenario that the orders for he computer comes through out the summers aside from that of that of the sophomores or the newly admitted, the competitive advantage maintained by he book store has been due to the bottom-line prices charged by he sore. Hence, considering the fact that the book sore is charging such low prices, as the profit base and keeping in view that if the store orders to many supplies, the cash reserves become very low, besides that storage concerns have to be accounted for as well. The quantity demanded by the students for the computers also determines the number of employees to be hired for the installation to take place.It would be most appropriate to mention that the forecasting models despite the comparison of relative accuracies remain models to forecast. Hence, their accuracies remain subject to the actual outcome of the event they forecast. As a consequence, whether it is through the means of Linear Equation, Seasonal Indexes or Smoothing Techniques such as Averages, they remain subject to the risk involved from the aspect of actual outcome. University Bookstore Computer Sale Data Table 1: The Sales for University Bookstore Student Computer Purchase Program Year 1 Computer Sold 518 2 651 3 708 4 921 5 775 6 810 7 856 8 792 9 877 10 693 11 841 12 1009 13 902 14 1103 The above data has been provided in the form of a diagram on the next page, since the raw data in itself would prove to be discerning. A graphic representation is a more appropriate alternative to examine the trends in the quantity of the computers sold. The diagram
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Economic - Essay Example This has caused concern for a number of factors in the market to include the banking and construction industry. When a low turn-over of homes occurs, new construction stalls and peters out and older pre-existing homes may cause a short burst in refurbishment industries but inventory movement remains stale. According to the media report, trust in real estate as an investment vehicle has declined by half since 2003. As with all complex phenomenon, a number factors explain why it is happening the way it is. Over time, the housing industry will find equilibrium as housing prices drop to a level the market deems sufficient for decreased prices and buyers may start purchasing again. One can anticipate the construction trades getting hit the hardest and see lay-offs and smaller contracting companies going under. Home improvement goods and services may see an uptick in business as more homeowners seek to repair or improve present dwellings instead of buying another home. Who are the key stak eholders that are impacted by the issue outlined in the report? Include a discussion of all groups that may be impacted by the issue raised in this report Highlight what you believe the main impacts will be in outline who you believe will be impacted most The construction companies and potential homeowners are the most severely affected groups here. The bankers will suffer only in the departments directly related to issuing and maintaining mortgage notes and securities. Of course, if the loans are packaged and leave the local lenders to be securitized in bundles of investments, the effect will only be on the amount of loan traffic coming into the local lending institutions. The construction trade tends to attract both unskilled and skilled laborers whose seasons of employment will most severely affected by the downturn of sales. Entire swaths of the industry will suffer a dearth of employment especially affecting the unskilled laborer. The skilled laborers do have the opportunity to move directly to providing services to remodel and refurbish existing homes for homeowners who find the prospect of buying a new home burdensome right now. What economic theories can be drawn from this media report? List and discuss what economic theories you can find in this article Provide a brief outline of the theory you are highlighting Provide evidence from the article to support these theories. Remember there may be more than one theory to discuss The Law of Supply and Demand is the most important economic theory to be considered in this media report. In its simplest form, it demonstrates that limitations or constraints on either supply or demand will have an effect on price (Kirzner, 2000). Prices, when unfettered, are the clearest signals for how to rationally allocate scarce or abundant economic resources. Economics at its most basic is the examination of the rational (or sometimes irrational, as in bubbles) allocation of goods and services. One important note, it is rele vant in a market or mixed economy but not necessarily in central planning or socialist economies where the Law of Supply and Demand tends to be fogged by irrational price signals and gross misallocation since the end-users don’t have a vote with their feet. The Law assumes that there is a price equilibrium at which producers and
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